Tailoring Solutions for Everyone

Baseline testing is a computerised neuro-cognitive testing of your brain's baseline function. Whether you are a partnering club with the MSCC or an individual, you complete this test at home on your computer and once completed we keep your baseline on file should you have a suspected concussion.
Understanding Baseline Testing
What is Concussion Baseline Testing?
ImPACT Baseline Testing is a computerised neurocognitive test administered before a head injury. If the individual is an athlete, baseline testing should be completed before an athletic season or during preseason. If a head injury occurs, healthcare providers will compare the baseline test results to those from a post-injury test. Differences in scores give healthcare providers insight into the specific deficits an individual is experiencing after a concussion and help them create tailored treatment plans. The baseline also assists concussion diagnosis as part of a full spectrum of post-injury tests.
What do Baseline Concussion Tests Measure?
A Baseline Concussion test measures how your brain works before you have sustained a concussion. It records your brain when it's in a normal healthy state.
ImPACT baseline testing assesses an individual’s visual and verbal memory, reaction time, and processing speed before a head injury.
How long does it take and what's involved?
A Baseline Concussion test normally takes between 20 and 30 minutes and can be done in the comfort of your own home (children should be supervised).
ImPACT Concussion Testing measures brain activity such as:
Ability to solve verbal problems.
Ability to solve visual problems.
Attention span.
Brain processing speed.
Impulse control.
Multitasking ability.
Reaction time.
When does my Baseline Test become important?
When you sustain a concussion we do another post concussion test. We then compare this test result with your baseline test you did before your season started to compare your brain function.
Our Doctors & Physiotherapists will compare the scores to help decide:
How severe your concussion is.
What your customised treatment plan will be.
When it's safe for you to return to normal activity.
How often should concussion baseline testing be repeated and at what age?
Research suggests that baseline testing should be completed annually.
ImPACT Baseline Test has been developed for ages 12-80.
Is ImPACT Baseline Testing Valid & Reliable?
Research and empirical data support the importance of using valid and reliable tools for concussion baseline testing and post-concussion care. ImPACT is research-backed and has received clearance from regulatory bodies worldwide. Additionally, ImPACT has built in validity indicators to detect sandbagging, which is when a test taker is not putting forth their best effort.
Take a Closer Look
Who benefits from Baseline Concussion Testing?
In short, all stakeholders benefit from baseline testing.
The test taker benefits from getting highly-personalized and tailored concussion care that may result in faster recovery in the event of a head injury.
The sports club promoting baseline testing to players benefit from knowing they are giving athletes the best possible chance of a quick and successful recovery if a concussion happens. It also helps protect them when utilised properly as part of a comprehensive concussion protocol.
The healthcare provider benefits from having an additional piece of objective information that helps them understand an individual’s pre-injury state. Having this information allows them to more accurately identify concussion & cognitive deficits the patient is experiencing and return them to their “normal”.
“Baseline testing makes the doctors’ job easier because it gives them a starting point and a standardized way of assessing the concussion.”
Dr. Vinay Chopra, Sports Medicine Physician at Genesis Regenerative Sports and Aesthetic Medicine

Get in Touch with MSCC
For all appointments and club support enquiries
For a consultation call 1300 361 053. For more information about our services please email us at