Tailoring Solutions for Everyone


Individual Testing
Any athlete or person from 12-to 80 years of age can have a baseline test or post concussion test with the Melbourne Sports Concussion Clinic.
Contact us today for Individual Pricing and Service Fees
Team Testing
Melbourne Sports Concussion Clinic offers team testing so that you're team has grouped results we keep on file. Team baseline testing offers better value and ensures you're athletes are protected with healthy brain data that we can compare should a concussion occur.
For team testing fees and charges contact MSCC today

Club & Association Testing
If you want to lead by example and have athletes of your club understake baseline testing, you will set the standard for athlete care. Be leaders in the concussion space and offer the gold standard to club and association members. This service is very cost effective and suits football clubs, netball, basketball association etc
Contact us today for more information & pricing
1300 361 053 | info@melbournesportsconcussion .com